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Glossary For Female Sexual Dysfunction

Antidepressant - (an-ti-de-pres-sant)

Drug used to relieve or prevent depression

Antipsychotic - (an-tee-sai-cho-tik)

Drug used to treat psychosis - a disorder of the mind characterized by loss of contact with reality

Libido - (li-bi-do)

A term for sexual urge or desire

Menopause - (men-o-pause)

The time in a woman's life when the menstrual cycle ends. The woman stops menstruating after this.

Narcotic - (nar-cot-ic)

A drug that produces numbness or dulls the senses and induces profound sleep; often taken for pleasure or to reduce pain. It can lead to addiction.

Orgasm - (or-ga-zem)

A highly pleasurable sensation experienced in the brain; intense pleasure felt at the height of sexual arousal; usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen in the male and by vaginal contractions in the female

Sedative - (sed-a-tive)

A substance that tends to calm down or moderate the nervousness or excitement

Testosterone - (tes-tos-ter-on)

Male sexual hormone produced chiefly by the testes; responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics

Tranquilizer - (tran-quil-liz-er)

A drug used to reduce stress or anxiety (tension)

Vaginismus - (vag-i-nis-mus)

An involuntary muscular spasm that causes the vagina to close; usually an anxiety reaction before coitus or pelvic examination

Vulvodynia - (vul-vo-die-nia)

Burning, stinging, sharp pain in vagina and vulva; usually the cause remains unexplained. The condition may be persistent or intermittent.

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